Module 1: What is Branding vs. Marketing, and why you need it.
Once you know what branding and marketing are, you can start to use it for your company.
Module Task: Pick your name and open your social media accounts. Already have a name? Pretend you’re a new customer on your site(s), can you tell exactly what you do from their eyes?
Branding & Marketing Intro Video
(NOTE: These videos were recorded when this workshop was 6 weeks, not it will be 3-weeks)
Branding & Marketing Worksheets
Click the title to download your PDF.
Module 1 – DIY Branding Worksheet
Bonus Video
A quick walk through of things I use to help create my brand and make my online presence look a bit better.
You might want to watch this now and again later when you have your social media accounts set-up, and you start to post.