Module 6: Facebook 101 (for Creative Businesses)
This Module, I walk you through some tips that helped me grow my creative Facebook page using my brand.
Download the worksheet below, you might want to have your Facebook page open while you listen to the video.
NOTE: please note the video talks about weeks, but this session’s modules came out bi-weekly.
Facebook Overview for Creatives
Posting with Your Brand on Facebook
Posting Tips on Facebook
Don’t forget to pop into the group and share your worksheet or feel free to ask questions!!
Module 7 – Facebook DIY Branding Worksheet
BONUS Checklist:
The hardest part is keeping up with “all the things”… Download this checklist and use it each week. After time you’ll see what works for you. Tweak your postings and graphics to give your followers more of what THEY want.
Business gets busy and even overwhelming. I found a list similar to this one helps me each week stay on track.
Checklist – DIY Branding Worksheet